FDA Hot Topics

September 05, 2024 | 04:45 PM (EDT) - 05:30 PM (EDT)

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Jennifer Kozen
Assistant Director of the External Heart Rhythm and Rate Devices Team
US Food & Drug Administration
Stephen Browning
Assistant Division Director
US Food & Drug Administration
Robert Kazmierski
Lead Reviewer
US Food & Drug Administration
Luke Ralston
Biomedical Engineer
US Food & Drug Administration

FDA Hot Topics

Stage 03
September 05, 2024 | 04:45 PM (EDT) - 05:30 PM (EDT)

This session is dedicated to FDA regulation of digital health products, from traditional software-based medical devices to novel medical device software functions deployed on consumer products or wearables. Participants will join FDA leaders in a discussion about expectations for implementing artificial intelligence/machine learning, Predetermined Change Control Plans (PCCPs), and other digital health guidance or policy updates