It Takes A Village: NIH Product Development Funding As A Part Of The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

September 05, 2024 | 04:45 PM (EDT) - 05:30 PM (EDT)

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Renée Arnold
BioHealth Innovation, Inc. & the NIH/NHLBI
Ken Nelson
Partner | Board Chairman & Investor | Investor & Mentor
Medtech Advantage Fund | CardiaCare | HeartBeam, BloomLife, & HeartX
Mohan Thanikachalam
CEO, President & Founder
Erika Tyburski
Chief Executive Officer
Sanguina, Inc.
Julia Berzhanskaya
Program Director for trans-NIH REACH 2.0 and Innovator Support Lead
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Innovation& Commercialization Office

It Takes A Village: NIH Product Development Funding As A Part Of The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Stage 02
September 05, 2024 | 04:45 PM (EDT) - 05:30 PM (EDT)

This panel will highlight a broad range of product development resources and programs available to startups both at NIH and via ecosystem partners through all stages of the device development. These resources include SBIR and non-SBIR grants, entrepreneurial education, pilot funding, accelerators/ incubators, challenge competitions, local economic development matching funds, angel and VC programs.