PaceMate: We never miss a beat

The Leading Cardiac Remote Monitoring Platform

Experience the future of cardiac care with PaceMateLIVE™. Our cutting-edge platform leverages premier partnerships and seamless integrations to bring you into the future of remote monitoring. PaceMateLIVE offers a single sign-on platform that puts all the data you need at your fingertips in real time for better patient outcomes. Onboarding is effortless, with virtually no data entry required—your patients are live from day one. Thanks to our exclusive real-time EHR integration, your patients’ cardiac data is always up-to-date, ensuring no stale information ever. Flip the switch, and you’re on.

Flip the Switch Implementation: Effortless onboarding gets your clinic up to speed immediately, with almost no manual data entry needed.

Future-Ready, Scalable Platform: PaceMateLIVE™ is thoughtfully designed for today’s cardiac programs, managing all patient data from every cardiac device type.

Premier Partnerships: Our platform integrates with every EHR and device vendor, pulling data from more sources than any other software.

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Simpler Cardiac Data Management
Starts Here.

130+ hours saved per month
150 clicks to 1
97% connectivity

PaceMate: We're vendor-agnostic.

Why Healthcare Leaders Trust PaceMate for the Best in Cardiac Remote Monitoring

We keep patients at the center of everything we do. That’s why healthcare leaders choose PaceMate. Our one and done solution empowers practitioners with real-time data, enabling them to pioneer new treatments ands early intervention strategies.

Early intervention in cardiac care is revolutionizing patient outcomes, thanks to advanced remote monitoring technologies. Dr. Anne Kroman, DO, PhD, cardiac electrophysiologist and director of the lead management program at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), highlights the significant impact on patient care and management.

PaceMate: Send 99% of billing claims without human interaction
PaceMate: The only software with all your cardiac data