Amber Seiler

Chief Operating Officer | EP Nurse Practitioner & Arrhythmia Program Services Coordinator

CV Remote Solutions | LeBauer Cardiology

Speaker Sessions

September 07, 2024 | 02:45 PM (EDT) - 03:30 PM (EDT)

September 07, 2024 | 08:15 AM (EDT) - 09:00 AM (EDT)

September 07, 2024 | 10:45 AM (EDT) - 11:45 AM (EDT)

About Amber Seiler, NP, FHRS

Amber is co-founder of CV Remote Solutions. Amber has maintained a passion for cardiology and cardiac electrophysiology from the very beginning of her career, which ultimately led her to expand her impact from the clinical setting to also one of international speaker, thought-leader, and respected researcher on device clinic management and atrial fibrillation clinic development.

Amber has had multiple publications accepted at a wide range of national and international society meetings, on topics such as device clinic management, use of device clinic analytics, and AF clinic outcomes. She has also partnered with leading companies in the cardiology space for the last several years, helping to develop novel strategies & tools for patient engagement and remote monitoring.

Amber began her career in electrophysiology in 2002, and served as the Arrhythmia Services Program Coordinator at ConeHealth for the majority of her career, overseeing program growth and quality assurance for the device clinic and atrial fibrillation clinic. She is active in the Heart Rhythm Society and holds FHRS designation.

Amber received her BSN degree from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, followed by her Master’s in Adult Nurse Practitioner degree thereafter. She currently resides in the Greensboro, NC area with her husband and three daughters.