Erik Kulstad

Attending Physician | Professor of Emergency Medicine | Co-Founder

Parkland Hospital Emergency Department | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | Attune Medical

Speaker Sessions

September 06, 2024 | 03:45 PM (EDT) - 04:30 PM (EDT)

About Erik Kulstad, MD, MS

Erik Kulstad serves as attending physician in the Parkland Hospital emergency department and Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. His first-hand experience with temperature management technologies inspired him to apply his background in chemical engineering (BS, U. of Maryland, MS, U. of Houston) to develop the ensoETM, which leveraged NSF and NIH funding through the SBIR mechanism to attain initial R&D milestones, followed by external funding to reach commercialization, resulting in the eventual sale of Attune Medical (formerly Advanced Cooling Therapy) to Haemonetics.