Julia Berzhanskaya

Program Director for trans-NIH REACH 2.0 and Innovator Support Lead

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Innovation& Commercialization Office

Moderated Sessions

September 06, 2024 | 03:45 PM (EDT) - 04:30 PM (EDT)

Julia Berzhanskaya, PhD, MS

Dr. Berzhanskaya is a Program Director for trans-NIH REACH 2.0 and Innovator Support Lead at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Innovation& Commercialization Office. Previously, she served as a Scientific Review Officer and a Program Official at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). There, she oversaw device/ big data/digital health portfolio, SBIR/STTR grants and contracts. Julia has contributed to several trans-NIH initiatives including HEAL, BRAIN, SPARC, MMM, NSF-NIH Smart and Connected Health and Digital Twin efforts.
NHLBI Innovation & Commercialization helps innovators in academia and industry translate new and promising discoveries into biomedical products that prevent, diagnose, and treat heart, lung, blood, and sleep diseases and disorders.