AbstracX II

September 06, 2024 | 03:45 PM (EDT) - 04:30 PM (EDT)

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James Allred
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
CV Remote Solutions
Daniel Guerrero
Director of US Clinical Affairs
Volta Medical
Samer Salman
Neuroscience Student
University of Texas at Austin
Rohan Kumthekar
Attending Pediatric Electrophysiologist | Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
The Heart Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital | Ohio State University College of Medicine

AbstracX II

Stage 03
September 06, 2024 | 03:45 PM (EDT) - 04:30 PM (EDT)
  • Atrial Extent Comparison of Spatiotemporal Electrogram Dispersion and Low-Voltage in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Patients – Presenting Author: Guerrero, Daniel
  • Building Patient Archetypes to Analyze Willingness to Change using New Technologies: Generative Artificial Intelligence with the Goal of More Optimally Influencing Change in Patient Behaviors with Atrial Fibrillation. – Presenting Author: Salman, Samer
  • Perceptions regarding CIED patient management performance reported in an international survey. – Presenting Author: Allred, James

All AbstracX are currently under embargo, but each will be published in an online supplement of the Heart Rhythm Journal on September 5, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET.