Innovation’s Last Mile: The Journey To Implement Digital Health in 2024

September 05, 2024 | 02:15 PM (EDT) - 03:00 PM (EDT)

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Renée Arnold
BioHealth Innovation, Inc. & the NIH/NHLBI
James Colbert
Chief Medical Officer
Memora Health
Mike Ennen
McKinsey & Company
Peter Noseworthy
Professor of Medicine, Chair of the Division of Heart Rhythm Services, and Medical Director of Business Development
Mayo Clinic
Thomas Osborne
Chief Medical Officer
Microsoft: Federal Civilian
Rod Passman
Jules Reingold Professor of Electrophysiology & Cardiac Electrophysiologist
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Venk Varadan
Co-founder and CEO of Nanowear
Jacqueline Shreibati
Cardiologist & Senior Clinical Lead

Innovation's Last Mile: The Journey To Implement Digital Health in 2024

Stage 02
September 05, 2024 | 02:15 PM (EDT) - 03:00 PM (EDT)

10+ years of “point solution” pilots, and over $100B venture capital later, the digital health implementation “playbook” is being rewritten. The acceleration of generative AI in a capital-constrained environment, alongside demands for value-based care models, are changing the way we design clinical workflows, train staff, onboard patients, launch programs, and measure success. In this panel we will explore how technical advances and economic pressures are shaping the way that companies and health systems design, launch, and scale digital health solutions.